
Nancy + Jeff :: Wedding Photo, Columbus, Ohio

Nancy + Jeff :: Wedding Photo, Columbus, Ohio

I've always considered Tim and I to be competitive. We're not only this way individually, but also against one another. If it takes me one hour at the grocery store, it only makes the trip more fun for him to do it in fifty minutes. If he takes 670 West to get to his mom's house, I like to see if I can beat him by taking a different way. This is all fun and games, of course, until all of the sudden we're not speaking because I also happen to be extremely sensitive and will most likely take losses [against my husband] personally. Who knew marriage could make me so emotional?

Well, we were set in our place as competitives at the last wedding we shot. This couple literally met playing ultimate frisbee and every other person we met at their wedding is from a league they've played in together! The favors were frisbees and there was a tiny little mini frisbee in the pie they cut.

I mean, I hate to admit defeat, but we've got nothing on them.

Amidst wonderful friends and family (many of whom we'd met before at Jeff's brother's wedding last fall), it was so much fun to witness this community of people. Good people abound in this group, and it was fun to be in the middle of them for the day.

I'm not going to lie, Tim and I were really hoping we'd leave with a frisbee (really though, there's been one on my Amazon list for about a year) but I was afraid that if I got my hands on one someone might ask me to throw it, revealing my mediocre skills. Failure by competitiveness, once again :-)



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Jordan and Matthew :: Wedding Photo, Columbus, Ohio

Jordan and Matthew :: Wedding Photo, Columbus, Ohio

...Maid-of-Honor Toast / Best Man Toast / Groom Toast...

I always love it when the reception schedule for the wedding we're photographing looks like this. It's always a treat to hear from the bride and/or groom at their wedding, smitten and joy filled in this climax of a moment.

The words shared by the groom and this wedding were particularly inspiring to me. He said, and I paraphrase, "I'm grateful to both of our parents, married some 60 years total between the two couples. It is because of you that Jordan and I get to stand here."

It's that cyclical, engendering, never-ending fount of indestructibility. Indestructibility. Life that gives life that gives life that gives life that....

I realized all in a moment the opportunity that my husband and I have - that all couples have - to plant the seeds of tireless self-gift that enable their children and those all around them to do the same.

At risk of a wedding photographer sounding a little obsessed, I will say without restraint that every single wedding I witness is an invigorating slice of encouragement to me. It's an encouragement not only to recommit to my own marriage, but to recommit to every relationship in my life. This groom made it clear how important it is - that each choice I make to serve the other person is one little shard of glass in a life-long mosaic that is a proof that fulness and joy are on just the other side of that sharp pang of self-denial.

So, Matthew and Jordan, here's to the beginning of your many seed-spreading years.



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Melissa + Andrew :: Wedding Photo - Columbus, Ohio

Melissa + Andrew :: Wedding Photo - Columbus, Ohio

I had the pleasure of taking engagement photos for Melissa and Andrew last November, which was when I was introduced to this couple's abundance in personality. If you're not on you're toes, you will miss one of Andrew's priceless camera stares. Pure talent, which makes sense given his background in directing film. And that's not all. Melissa, a photographer and designer, spread her artful hand over all of the details of the day, from vintage cameras to beautiful print (see the popcorn bags??). 

Through Andrew and Melissa's wedding we all encountered a solid community of family and friends upheld by lots of grace and faith. A true gem of a day.


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Help Found

I love taking photos. Every time I've sat down to my computer over the past six weeks, I look at my desktop and let my cursor hover over my memory card folder, contemplating whether I can put off to-do's. Alas, each time I've decided instead to spend time in what has become my best friend, a little file affectionately entitled "Master Plan.xls".

But blessings abound! While there are many to-do's, family and friends have been unbelievably helpful, allowing for moments adorned with coffee, cookies and beautiful sunsets in the evenings.

One of the most fun projects of wedding planning thus far has been the invites. We had a small assembly party that was altogether a blast, despite the fact that it felt a tiny bit like a sweatshop towards cutting the 215th glittery piece of twine. (Seriously. I find myself having "I get by with a little help from my friends..." in my head 95% of the time.) Pics to come...

Countdown: 46 days


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